Dormancy: Preferred. Ease to Grow: Difficult. We are also one of the only places where you can purchase seed-grown genetically-unique plants as well! Native Range: Wetlands of North and South America. Zones: 11-12 (9-14). Zones: 4-9 (3-10). 2 Venus Fly Trap Plants in 9"x 6"x 6.5" Terrarium by Nature Gift Store, Live Carnivorous Flytrap Plants, Assorted Color Lids 4.0 out of 5 stars 38 $23.85 $ 23 . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ease to Grow: Easy. Venus Flytrap SEED This is what we do. Zone: 7 (5-9). Native Range: Peat Bogs of Northeastern North America. Dormancy: Yes. Native Range: Wet Bogs of southeastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Zones: 3-8 (2-10). Cardinal Flower... Blue Cardinal Flower SEED Mini-egg Terrarium Set with Carnivorous Plant. For a small price you have the potentional for some very big rewards, not to mention more plants … Dormancy: No. We are Canada's source for Borneo Exotics Nepenthes! We handle every part of the business from growing the carnivorous plants, selecting the best plants and seeds for sale… Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Suggested. Carnivorous Plants for sale that eat insects and bugs: Sarracenia (Pitcher Plant), Drosera (Sundew), Dionaea (Venus fly trap), and more. Filters. An amazing variety of Pinguicula, Drosera, Utricularia and not to … Operated by Peter D'Amato, author of the award-winning book The Revised Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants, … Ease to Grow: Easy. Ease to Grow: Easy. we have a plant for everyone, and every budget. USD12.00, Starting at: Powered by Shopify. Seeds from Josephine County, Oregon. click here to learn more, and enter to win up to a $1000 gift … If you are looking for activities, classroom resources, games and gifts or carnivorous plants, let Carnivorous Plant Nursery supply your needs for venus flytraps, sundews, pitcher plants… Zones: 3-8 (2-9). Native Range: Cape Fear River Basin, North and South Carolina. Carnivorous Plants are native to many of these amazing United States. Zone: 7 (5-9.) Ease to Grow: Moderate to difficult Dormancy: Suggested. A place to buy plants from regular sellers and business's. Ease to Grow: Very Easy. Carnivorous plants shipped to your home in perfect condition! Shop a huge online selection at Lady's Slipper O... Rose Pogonia SEED Carnivorous Plants for Sale. Carnivorous Plant Mix SEED A place to donate plants… Native Range: Wet Bogs of northern North America, Europe and Asia. Zones: 3-8 (2-10). Bog Sabatia SEED Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern North America. Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North America. Native Range: Wet Pocosins of Coastal Southeastern North America. Native Range: Serpentine streams of coastal Mts, CA/OR. Triffid Nurseries, founded in 1999, supplies a wide range of quality carnivorous plants and seeds suitable for both the enthusiast and beginner alike. Carnivorous Plants for Sale. Dionaea Muscipula Seeds (Venus Flytrap Seeds) Starting at: USD2.90 The most well known species of carnivorous plants. Great selection of carnivorous plants: Nepenthes/Tropical Pitcher Plants, … What's even better than that? USD4.90, Starting at: Dormancy: Preferred. A collectio... Cobra Lily SEED The trap of the Venus Flytrap is one of Nature's most amazing marvels. Your Trusted Clones Nursery The Best Marijuana Plants Online. Heliamphora available. Tropical carnivorous plants … For plant culture information make sure you go to the "Plant … Zones: 7-8 (6-9). An online native plant nursery for the west. Ease to Grow: Moderate. We support the International Carnivorous Plant Society and our own local New England Carnivorous Plant … Native Range: Wet Bogs of the Cape region of South Africa. Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern and Central North America. Zones: 3-7 (2-8). Shop great deals on Carnivorous Plant Seeds. CARNIVOROUS PLANT SEEDS . happy valentines day from - the most diverse selection of in stock carnivorous plants in the u.s.!. Great Blue... Mixed Nepenthes SEED Carnivorous Plant seeds often need light to germinate. Zones: 7-9 (6-1... White-Topped Pitcher Plant SEED Any order,any size, worldwide, regular airmail shipping. Check out our selection of carnivorous plants for sale. Byblis Filifolia Seeds (Rainbow Plant Seeds), Byblis Lamellata Seeds (Rainbow Plant Seeds), Byblis Liniflora Seeds (Rainbow Plant Seeds), Cephalotus Follicularis Seeds (Australian Pitcher Plant), Common Bladderwort Seeds (Utricularia vulgaris), Darlingtonia Californica Seeds (Cobra Lily Seeds), Dionaea Muscipula Giant Forms Seeds Mix (Venus Flytrap Seeds), Dionaea Muscipula Red Forms Seeds Mix (Venus Flytrap Seeds), Dionaea Muscipula Seeds (Venus Flytrap Seeds), Dionaea Muscipula Seeds Mix of Other Forms (Venus Flytrap Seeds). We offer a decent selection of rare and exotic Drosera (Sundews) carnivorous plants and seeds … Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern North America. Just click on one of the plant … Carnivorous plant that usually digests within 3-5 days. Traps have a limited number of false alarms. Sort by Sort by Show 24 36 48 View as Venus Flytrap Seeds $5.95 Venus Flytrap SEED … For those of you with a little more patience, growing your Carnivorous Plants from seeds can be very rewarding. Glittering and often delicate, Byblis, the Rainbow Plants, can sometime appear as frosted sprays of water, and in sunlight can sparkle with multicolored hues. Zones: 8-10 ... White Fringed Orchid SEED Ease to Grow: Very Easy. Ease to Grow: Easy. We offer a wide variety of pitcher plants, venus flytraps, sundews, butterworts, orchids and other tropicals. Since 1989, we have grown and sold the widest variety of carnivorous plants in the United States. The Gras... Cardinal Flower SEED The most well known species of carnivorous plants. USD10.80, Starting at: We specialise in Rare Carnivorous Plants and Amorphophallus species with a strong focus on Mail Order within australia. Fertilizing will kill the plant. Native Range: Wetlands of North and South America. We offer many species of these plants that many do not have. Butterworts, or Pinguicula are a genus of carnivorous plant that extract nutrients through catching and digesting insects with their sticky leaves. Native Range: Wet Savannahs of the Gulf Coast of North America. Zones: 7-9 (6-10). Carnivorous Plants While Venus Fly Traps and the North American Pitcher plants are some of the most popular carnivores, they are not really the best choice for the tropical terrarium. Dormancy: Recommended. USD3.60, Starting at: 1% of every sale goes directly to the non-profit International Carnivorous Plant Society for carnivorous plant conservation. Growing beautiful, healthy, interesting, and unique carnivorous plants in California is our passion. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OVER US$50 OR $4.90 FLAT RATE. Ease to Grow: Moderate. Tropical carnivorous plants represent the bulk of carnivorous plant species, and they come from a wide range of environments - from the cool, sunny open fields in South Africa's coastal mountains to the hot, muggy rainforests of Indonesia. Zones: 3-8 (2-9). Ease to Grow: Easy. Ease to Grow: Easy. Th... Yellow Pitcher Plant SEED There's no need to fertilize, as the plant relies on insects for food. Browse our inventory for exotic, rare, and beautiful carnivorous plants. Use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page to set up a time for your visit, or give us a call. This is a mix of different forms of Venus Flytrap. Threads 26 Messages 410. Ease to Grow: Easy. Behold the Carnivorous Plants of Florida. Ease to Grow: Easy. On Sale Now! USD6.50, Starting at: Specializing in Nepenthes Pitcher Plants, Sarracenia Pitcher Plants, Venus Flytraps (Dionaea), Sundews (Drosera) , Butterworts (Pinguicula), Heliamphora, Cephalotus, Utricularia, Darlingtonia & more! Dormancy: Yes Native Range: Woodlands of Eastern North America. USD3.30, Starting at: USD2.90, Polyter, fertilizer, water-retaining convenient for savings! Ease to Grow: Easy. Zones: 6-8 (5-... Sign up to our mailing list for the latest updates and information from Carnivorous Plant Nursery. Ease to Grow: Easy. Our Ve... Roundleaf Sundew SEED Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North America. Zones: 5-8 (4-9). Zones: 5-9 (4-10). Welcome to the Primal Plant Nursery. Other types that will … Browse our selection of Mexican Pinguicula (Butterworts) carnivorous plants, we have one of the finest selections of these wonderfully diverse carnivores you will ever find. Native Range: Wet Pocosins of Coastal Southeastern North America. The Strainbank has preserved the world's most potent cannabis strains and provides mature clones for sale and cannabis seeds to patients for … Jan 30, 2021; Joanie; CPSC Support Auctions, Sales and Donations. Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Suggested. Threads 26 Messages 410. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Rose P... Sarracenia alata SEED Dormancy: No. Ease to Grow: Easy. One such state is Florida. Don't stimulate them too often. You can purchase plants on our web site for mail-order, or pick-up from our nursery. Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Wet Pocosins of the Gulf Coast from Georgia to the Mississip... Hooded Pitcher Plant SEED Venus flytraps, American pitcher plants, sundews, butterworts, bladderworts, tropical pitcher plants and others - all commercially cultivated for either the curious beginner or the discriminating collector who wants the highest quality plants. The Red Threadleaf Sundew, is a ... Threadleaf Sundew SEED To procure without delay : about 1568 days ago. Here at wivey carnivorous we stock a large selection of carnivorous plants in the uk, these include temperate classics like the Venus fly trap (Dionaea), and north American pitcher plant (sarracenia), to the more exotic tropical pitcher (Nepenthes). Empire Theme by Pixel Union. Carnivorous Plant Nursery is your one-stop shop for carnivorous plants and useful information on their care and culture. A mail order native plant nursery for Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco and most of the West Coast. Live arrival and satisfaction is guaranteed on all … Top 100 New Releases. Some of the most Bizarre Plant Forms & Adaptations can be found in the World of Carnivorous Plants! Nepenthes, drosera, sundews, dionaea, venus flytraps, cephalotus. Dormancy: Preferred. Starting at: Dormancy: Yes. Native Range: Malay Archipelago. Zones: 6-9 (5-10). Dormancy: Yes. Brads Greenhouse Carnivorous Plant Sales Canada, So many Carnivorous Plants for sale! Ease to Grow: Easy. Carnivorous Plant seeds often need light to germinate. Here is a nice selection fresh for our nursery plants. carnivorous plants in space? Grown by Sarracenia Northwest with your success in mind. This species looks like a cobra with it head expanded ready to strike, and it even has what looks like a forked tongue coming from the mouth. Ease to Grow: Easy. Gift Certificates & Ideas. 85 Bog Gentian, Gentiana ... Grass Pink SEED Native Range: Wet bogs of New Jersey. Zones: 4-9 (3-10). Native Range: Wet Bogs and Pocosins of northern and southeastern North America, northe... Spoonleaved Sundew SEED The USA's premier carnivorous plant nursery. Welcome to Canada’s Carnivorous Plant Store & Nursery online! Pink Lady's Slipper SEED We sell and ship only the best live Carnivorous Plants to destinations throughout Canada and the freshest Carnivorous Plant seeds … Here is a nice selection fresh for our nursery plants. … Traps have a limited number of false alarms. Artificially springing the trap drains the plant's energy. Everything related to Carnivorous Plants. Byblis filifolia grows naturally as an annual, but can be kept as a biennial if grown in constantly moist soils. Predatory Plants is your specialty carnivorous plant nursery offering an enormous selection of Venus fly traps, sundews, butterworts, nepenthes, sarracenia, pitcher plants, and gardening supplies. Dormancy: Suggested. Drosera filiformis filiformis or Thr... Water Sundew SEED Zones: 3-8 (2-10). Shopping with us is a great way to support the arts, support the carnivorous plant community, and ensure the survival of these wonderful plants … We ship your order through UPS. Copyright © 2021 Carnivorous Plant Nursery. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! USD3.90, Starting at: To buy without delay : about 1568 days ago, Rarexoticseeds, leader of the fresh selling carnivorous plants seeds. Native Range: Wet bogs of New Jersey. We are very proud to boast the largest selection of carnivorous plant seeds … Drosera capen... Red Threadleaf Sundew SEED Dormancy: Suggested. Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthe... Nodding Lady Tresses SEED We grow California native plants … USD5.80, Starting at: Bog Gentian SEED Buy flytraps, pitchers plants and more! Zones: 6-9 (5-10).... Cape Sundew SEED ... Orange Fringed Orchid SEED Zones: 3-9 (2-10). More Information About Carnivorous plants. Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern and Central North America. Ease to Grow: Easy. we can ship to the UK and EU. When insects land on the plant, they become glued tight by the sticky substance of it leaves. Dormancy: No. Ease to Grow: Moderate. The outer edges of the two clamshell-like halves are lined with nectar glands and stout bristles. Free shipping for many products! Dormancy: Required. Here at Plant Delights Nursery, we love insect eating carnivorous plants … Dormancy: Preferred. ½ Price Daily Deal! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 20 VENUS FLYTRAP Plant Seeds Dionaea Muscipula CARNIVOROUS Flower at the best online prices at eBay! Carnivorous Plants. Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern and Central North America. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Drosera filiformis filiformis or Thr... Water Sundew SEED Ease to Grow: Moderate to difficult dormancy: native. … on Sale Now have a plant for everyone, and every budget,! Most Bizarre plant Forms & Adaptations can be kept as a biennial if grown in constantly soils... A... Threadleaf Sundew SEED Ease to Grow: very Easy that many do have.: Yes native Range: Peat Bogs of Northeastern North America the trap drains the 's! 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South Africa plant conservation US $ 50 or $ 4.90 FLAT RATE plant Forms & Adaptations can be in.