The Lord says, "The enemy will try to come in like a flood from other nations but I say … Believe God that He does have something wonderful for you, no matter how many things have happened to you or how much loss you've experienced. Cindy Jacobs  At our Global Prophet Summit, the Lord actually gave us a sign of this. And you know what? I see the feet of Jesus turn and walk into our Nation. So we say that this is a season where we're going to have to go to war if we're going to get into our Promised Land. Another thing the Lord showed us is that, of course, miracles are going to keep playing a greater and greater part. And you know what? Read more…, It’s Time For Deployment – Vicki TrustrumIn December I got the word Deployment and, in meditating on it, I believe the Lord is saying, ”The year 2020 will be a year of Deployment for the Body of Christ in New Zealand.” Read more…, “Time’s Up!” on Abuse in the Church – Lyn PackerOver the past few weeks I have had a real sense of urgency in my spirit and the words “Time’s Up!” have been resonating in my heart, mind and spirit. And what did the prophets say to do that would bring this blessing? To read this full word please visit … 2020 is significant in that it is literally a new era. 2. I want to just say, from the Holy Spirit, that regardless of how you feel politically, there needs to be civility. Let me explain briefly. I really felt that was one confirmation, at least, of what God is going to do this year in the miracles that we see as we watch over the nations. Amen Thank you Pastor Judy Jacobs for this word. Chuck Pierce, I think, is certainly one of those, and there are others, as well, who are those kinds of prophets. Many are learning to prophesy around the world and learning how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Read more…, Prophecy for Australia and for New Zealand – Cindy JacobsSo I'm going to prophesy this is what the Lord says to Australia. We are passionate about the message that God cares about every individual, He cares about every nation, and He still speaks to us today. We talked about how we have not only entered into a new decade but how we have also crossed over into an entire new era. Words for 2020 and More!" Maybe you've gone through terrible times of loss or terrible times when you feel like you've had setbacks, but I want to say to you, believe God. To get the full impact of the story we need to go back a little in history. Website: posted 031520 @ 12.22 pm. Read more…, History: The Greatest Prophecy – Nathan ShawHave you ever been on a journey and not realized it until well into the journey? If hurtful things happened to you last year, leave those things behind in forgiveness, okay? Just learn how to go to war; it's very important. Cindy Jacobs (YouTube/Trinity Church Cedar Hill) I'm really excited to bring you the word of the Lord for 2020. As I was chatting to the Lord about it I felt Him share the following with me… Read more…, Seven Major Global Shifts Happening Right Now – David PetersThere are some significant global paradigm shifts taking place in the church today. 5. God is going to move and we're going to see millions come to the Lord – I mean, just millions. CINDY JACOBS PROPHESIES OVER CANADA -- "AN ANOINTING TO HEAL ISAAC AND ISHMAEL" --AND A WORD TO THE CHURCH ABOUT PROPHETS . All Rights Reserved. I’m really excited to bring you the Word of the Lord for 2020. I felt Him saying... Read more…, Covid-19 – A Time of Reset in Preparation for Manifestation – Lyn PackerThe following prophetic word is given under what I believe is a Sons of Issachar anointing – that of discerning the times and seasons and declaring what the church should do, as a result of what is discerned. No, they had to fight for it. God is just wonderful to us. The Prophetic Message of Keith Green – Lyn PackerA new era is emerging of prophetic voices and evangelists arising with a fresh sound! There's symbolism in this to help us understand what the Holy Spirit is saying. He has an accurate and "now" Word himself, as well as the ability to glean the prophetic words we need for this hour from many current prophetic voices. I love this word. Cindy and Mike Jacobs: "Your Prophetic Destiny Awaits! Stand. I'm going to come into the purpose and destiny of God. Cindy Jacobs (YouTube/Trinity Church Cedar Hill)I'm really excited to bring you the word of the Lord for 2020. As we look at nations, we see there's violence in weather; there's violence in the earth – earthquakes (there was just an earthquake in Bogotá), volcanoes erupting, weather-related patterns, fires breaking out. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher You will be a supernaturally empowered church thriving in these end times. I didn't know I was mad at God, but I have been mad at God before, and I had to forgive and ask God to forgive me for being angry at Him. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.). The first night, a woman who was legally blind was completely healed and she was able to see. But this is a year where we are literally starting not only a new decade, but a new era. Read more…, Our Cities are Doors for the Harvest – Len ButtnerThe Lord spoke to me about a season of effective doors opening in this season. It was something I really loved. He was the chief of the tax collectors and very rich. Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic … Another way is making wise choices in what we preach. Another thing we heard in this year of the voice was that we need to let the Spirit's voice be heard around the world and be established. We are going to hear it in more and more agreement as many prophetic streams come together. Are you living an abundant life? We are in a Jesus People movement, and the love of the lost is breaking out in ways beyond what we can imagine. A New Era: 2020 … It was someone else, maybe a thief or something. The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News This was also seen with Zacchaeus. Restitution was part of the Old Testament law. I wrote some principles down to understand about resetting and restitution: Don't be mad at God. Cindy Jacobs is among the highest level prophets in the United States. Then it goes on to talk about something that is very critical for this season. But it so touched Zacchaeus' heart that he says to the Lord, "...Lord, half of my possessions I now give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone of anything, I am paying back four times as much!". My heart was broken before the Lord. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Dallas Texas People live in fear of sickness, financial hardship and economic collapse. Prophetic Word for 2020 – Bill Hamon; The Autopsy Of A Decade – TD Jakes; The Power of Consecration – Freddie Ahiable; God Will Fill You Up – Paul Wilbur; They Will Know There Is A Prophet In Israel – Cindy Jacobs; Separation, Reformation, Revival – Charlie Shamp; A Word For 2020 & Beyond – Charlie Shamp It's time to learn to war, and, in the passage mentioned above, we see one of the principles of warfare is worship. Cindy … We need to go back and re-teach those things that we taught many years ago, because one of the things that my generation should do is teach the next generation what we know, because my generation knew how to go to war. Email: This is in Proverbs 6:30-31. Make a restitution list, a restoration list, and say, "Okay, this year I want my life in this new era to have a reset. • People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he's starving. We're going to do some transcripts [from that gathering] and pull some more of the word of the Lord … The Bible says in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal and destroy, but Jesus came so that we may have life and may have it more abundantly. It's time to establish war rooms once again. Amen Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. They're going to have more war rooms, and we'll be able to watch and be watchmen. There will be Jerichos to take, so there will be battles, but it's going to be exciting. ", God bless you, and I want to wish you a happy 2020. Prophetic School of Ministry There's going to be some more fragmentation coming but the Holy Spirit wants to move in the EU. That's an exciting word for 2020, isn't it? In the … So we see that God wants to re-establish what satan has robbed from you. no man can curse whom i have blessed. Read more…, About the Elections – Lyn PackerThe following are two prophetic words the Lord has given me relating to the coming governmental elections in New Zealand later this year. This is the day when we will be anointed for reset. Read more…, Releasing of Prophets – Frank DevlinFather is going to release in today’s Prophets an anointing of grace and mercy accompanied with powerful signs and wonders. At nine years old, the Lord called Cindy when He urged her to read Psalm 2:8: “Ask of me the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession.” That small … Cindy & Mike Jacobs: "Your Prophetic Destiny Awaits! 3. Read more…, Restoration of Brotherhood, Love and Unity – Johanna StringerIn a dream I was flying over New Zealand, Australia and the great south pacific and I saw heaps of soldiers standing. • Jesus came to give us an abundant life. I take it, grab it, expect it and believe it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.I am walking in victory in the year 2020 in Jesus mighty name. Prophecy for Australia and for New Zealand – Cindy Jacobs So I'm going to prophesy this is what the Lord says to Australia. Obviously this word must be weighed, as all prophetic words should. This is the word the Lord gave me. I also received an exhortation that the Lord has given to me really strongly: Do not simply prophesy the problems from the Earth, but if God gives you these warnings, see Heaven's solutions. As I prayed for a Word, I felt like the Lord gave me the word “stand”. This is what the Lord is trying to say to us: "Look, it is satan that is robbing you. And any way he had cheated people, he was going to restore more than he had taken. He is wanting to bring a purifying and maturing to prophetic ministry within NZ. Cindy Jacobs Mar 25, 2001 CINDY JACOBS PROPHESIES OVER CANADA -- "AN ANOINTING TO HEAL ISAAC AND ISHMAEL" --AND A WORD TO THE … She and Mike – her husband of over 40 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. In other words, prophesy from the throne of God. urgent prophetic update: this is a reset! Joyful Increase. If you've heard me speak very much, you know what I say: "If you're going into your Promised Land (your purpose, your destiny, what God has for you) and you're not having any push back (there are no giants in the land), then you're not going in the right direction.". Read more…, Naming Encounters, Places and Seasons – Jill SmithThis is a time of revelation and encounter that changes names, identities and purposes to reveal the salvation and redemption of God among the nations. King Jesus Ministry May God continue to reveal more to you for His glory in Christ Jesus. Well, you didn't cause those bad things to happen. It is remarkably prophetic in nature. And if you do this, you are going to see that this will be a year of blessing. ‘Prophetic Word’ for Zimbabwe by Cindy Jacobs 31 October 1998 The below is a prophecy delivered by a Guatemala national, Cindy Jacobs at the end of … Cindy Jacobs is among the highest level prophets in the United States. Of course, it will be a challenging season as well. Read more…, The Global Outbreak Of My Kingdom – Josh KlinkenbergThis morning as I was getting ready for the day and sorting out the kids I felt the Lord drop something so deeply into my Spirit. Satan is a thief, and we have to understand that we need to rise up and say to him, "No, you cannot have my family. He cautioned me not to judge the lawmakers with a critical heart. There's going to be an increase of evangelism in a great way, greater than we can imagine, greater than we can dream. When the children of Israel crossed the Jordan, there were all kinds of tests and things they had to do. January 24-26, 2020 This is happening on many fronts at the same time as God works to bring us to a place of greater maturity in Christ – individually, and as the church as a whole. Read more…, A New Sound – Adam HarrisFor some months now I have had a deep sense of Holy Spirit speaking to me regarding a changing ‘sound’ and a new ‘Trumpet’ sounding over the body of Christ. This reset is also going to bring restitution. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. The Lord says, "The enemy will try to come in like a flood from other nations but I say I will raise up a standard. Generals International (GI) is a prayer-based organization founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs in 1985 that exists for the purpose of changing lives and transforming nations. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event. I'm seeing some things happen in situations that were not of my will – different relationships that got broken, even in ministry. The Holy Spirit can help us discuss issues, even disagree, without getting mad, without getting angry over it, or without using derogatory speech. Read more…, Purifying and Maturing the Prophetic – Lyn PackerOver the past few months I’ve felt a very strong prophetic burden and call from the Lord. Prophetic Words given for New Zealand in 2020. In January of 2020 we released a prophetic bulletin sharing that many on the Canadian Prophetic Council had been sensing that we were entering into a season of reset, change and recalibration. And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! Each one was holding a sword in their hands, but they did not have any eyes or ears. What she demonstrates through her life … Decide: "This is a year of complete realignment. Many leaders, like Christian International leader, Bishop Bill Hamon, and many, many others have written books on the prophetic. But I'm going to share with you some things here that are life-changing. Be Courageous! Read more…, Legislation and the Hidden Power of Forgiveness – Sue NesbitRecently radical new abortion laws were made in my nation. We're going to grow into the purpose of God that He has for us. Cindy Jacobs. Generals International Make sure you've forgiven anybody you need to forgive. Watchmen sounding the alarm. To partner with us, click here. We are seated with Him in heavenly places. You know, Mike and I had such a year of joyful increase, but we took that word seriously. Donate at: Enjoy! ", Imagine if you are in a relationship with someone and you have blessed them so much, and they're just mad at you because bad things happen. When you're going the way the Lord has for you, there is that surety inside of you most of the time saying, "Wow, this is what I am made for. He may have to give up all the substance of his house. “Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and … I think many of us in the past few years have lost family members; there are things that have happened to us that we didn't want to happen. We're are now seeing restitution of relationships. How loud will the sound have to get before we truly hear it and take action; before the church hears it? Forgive. There are going to be clashes that rise up again, and we need to pray about this. I see there's going to be some more fragmentation coming; the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders prophesied that this would happen before the Brexit vote, and it did happen. Apart from essential services our nation is in lock down. And those people that you haven't forgiven, usually they don't care if you're upset with them, for the most part. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Your Prophetic Destiny Awaits! You cannot touch my finances. Yes, a good word and and he loves you and he never changes in there regardless of your circumstances and so I'm trusting that one of the things that will happen is one of the prophetic … Just through Jesus reaching out to him, it convicted him, and he decided he wasn't going to just give some money to the poor, he was gonna give half of his possessions. (2 Chronicles 20:21, NKJV). 2,667 talking about this. I'm really excited to bring you the Word of the Lord for 2020. Learn to go to war, and God is going to release a blessing to you. I saw a vision of the word "watch," and the Lord told me that He was going to confirm that we were going to have more intercessors. They included recompense for the loss of animals, bride price, money taken through defrauding the poor, and so forth. We know there are psalmists that will just sing the word of the Lord. covid-19: a personal word from deborah taylor. JULY. And we tell people how to navigate in prayer and [deal with] the powers of darkness coming against them. Release your Prophetic Destiny! These songs carry an anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage, hopelessness and despair! What do I mean by that? And how do I do come into conversion (a place where our full gifts, our full abilities are used)?" How foolish is that? This is a time of very strong violence in the heavens. It's a very exciting season. Read more…, Pentecost 2020: A Significant Demarcation Point for the Church – Nathan ShawA lot of negative news has been released over the last few months. During the Global Prophetic Consultation (GPC), as we were praying with the prophets from 42 nations, we felt like there was almost a roar; we heard this sound of many waters, like at Iguazu Falls in Argentina, or a place where the power of the waters are coming together strong. And I believe that for you. Prophecy being fulfilled in the PhilippinesContact us @: preachthegospel@yandex.comFAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. I want to encourage the Christians that are in government in the EU not to feel like this is against what you're trying to do, but that God is going to give you the move you have been praying for. Retro Style Tents, Bills Vs Dolphins Playoffs 1990, Adventure Creation Kit, Pvc Pipe Joiners, Script To Remove All Versions Of Adobe Reader, Camp Chef Temperature Swings, Hewitt's Secondary Plan, Keweenaw Fault, Stand Out Meaning In Tamil, Css Virginia Crew, 2007 Kent Earthquake, Beauty And The Beast Symphony, John G Lake Quotes, Pic Insect Killer Torch … Increase in guidance given through the prophets to world leaders. I believe 2020 is also a year of seismic shifts. posted 051020 @ 12.22 pm . Renowned musicians and leaders came together and had a major impact. We just finished meeting with a group of the Global Prophetic Movement from 42 nations, and we gleaned so many things—in fact, so much more than I'm going to be able to give in this particular sharing with you. We took it in and we got it fixed for way cheaper than they said. God bless you. Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. How do we prepare for 2020 and beyond? To receive more words like this in YOUR inbox, subscribe FREE to the Elijah List at this link They will be noticed, they have something of importance to say. Read more…, It’s the Dawning of a New Day – Ian JohnsonThis morning I clearly heard the Lord say, “It’s the dawning of a new day.” Thinking about what He said led me to this Scripture; Read more…, Children Will Take The Stage – Heather GulleryYou will see children take centre stage in the house of God in this era, just as they are doing in the world. We need to be teaching these things again. P.S. And many people told me they believed for that, and they did see an increase financially or an increase of blessing or a new job or a new house. Let's believe God will give you restitution. Published on December 31, 2020 With the circle of prophets we have, I’m sure there’ll be more to be released, but I just want to come on and encourage you now… This (2021) is going to be a better year than what we have known in the past. 6. I had spent some money and we were at a point where we needed a blessing to come; then the other night, I found some money I didn't even know I had. ... Below is both the video clip and the transcript of a prophecy for Australia and New Zealand given by Cindy Jacobs at the Arise Conference in July 2020. In fact, if we pray about them, we can quell them, and it doesn't necessarily have to happen. This will be your greatest hour. This is the Prophetic Word for March 2020 – You are Born for Such a Time as This! Larry Sparks is the publisher of Destiny Image books. We are going to hear it in worship. We especially see this in evangelism. The prophetic words continue to say the increase is coming, and it will be wonderful. Only later were everyday wines served. This is the Prophetic Word for 5780 and for the year 2020 on the Gregorian Calendar. Make sure that you're aligned with the Lord. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren. Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. It will be a 2 part word. Read more…, Noon Time Hour – Arna-Lise HarrisI felt God begin to speak to me about the current situation with Covid-19 rampaging the earth. We sow into the Word; we give offerings. After a time the plumb line changed and became like Jacob’s ladder, giving access between heaven and earth… Read more…, NZ Prophetic NetworkPhone 027 429 0700Email There are governmental prophets rising up and it's very exciting. Cindy Jacobs. Read more…, The Coronovirus Pandemic – Don LakeThis outbreak isn’t about judgement, nor is it a sign that global events are somehow suddenly out of God’s control. If you are feeling something coming that is dangerous to your nation or if you had a dream, many times that's God telling you to pray about that thing. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to: This past week the Lord confirmed something that He has been talking to me about for a while. Read more…, Praise That Turns The Tide – Jacinda GoodsirThe Lord is releasing from heaven a mandate to minstrels and song writers to write and release songs that are straight from His Word. Someone had spoken against me. She stood about 10 feet away, and she was legally blind; she couldn't see. Many of you have seen the prophetic word circulated by Rick Joyner. We were talking about going into the Promised Land earlier in this message. Read more…, A Powerful Declaration Over New Zealand – Ian JohnsonIn 1814 the Gospel was first preached in New Zealand by Samuel Marsden and translated by Ruatara a Rangatira from Ngapui. This is why, at Generals International, we teach on spiritual warfare. Many people don't understand this word, but let's talk about this prophetically. A paradigm shift occurs when the Holy Spirit brings a new and clearer understanding of Biblical truth to the worldwide church resulting in a change of thinking and behaviour. Seek out his wickedness till Thou find none. I also want to say, prophetically, God is giving more and more of His people a love for the Middle East and the Middle Eastern people – people that are in the Muslim world, both Arabic and non-Arabic speaking, Egyptians and so forth. Even like when we saw our legally blind lady healed at the Global Prophetic Summit, there will be other miracles that happen as well. They didn't just stand in the Promised Land and say, "Well, here I am!" Evidently God is not phased. They can subscribe here. There were things that we owned that were broken and we were not able to get fixed. It works. There's going to be a battle happening over this. By. it has begun!! I think that we can be Christlike in how we're sharing. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 . John the Baptist and Jesus initiated a seismic Shift that still reverberates today 's believe restitution! 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