Crafting a ring takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. Home Afflictions/Hazards Classes Deities Equipment Feats Magic Items Monster Index Mythic Index NPC Index Prestige Classes Races Rules Skills Spells/Rituals Technology Traits Licenses Projects Sources Tools Contact Us Contributors Support the Archives. (found a table with the line for base price divide by(5divided by charges per day) should this be multiply? Success Surging boost. Using the above 25% rule, Patrick’s 8th-level wizard with Craft Wondrous Item is allowed an additional 8,250 gp worth of crafted wondrous items. Harness the Power Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level, Take the Proper Precautions Survival DC 15 + item’s caster level. Heavy: The item weighs twice as much as normal. Success You have a satisfactory vessel. The Gamemaster should roll on the table below to determine which challenges the player characters face while making the item. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster's currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.). If this happens and nobody can agree on a fair price, it’s best to not upgrade the item, or ask the GM for permission to pseudo-upgrade the item by swapping it for a different item with a price that can be calculated with the normal rules. If none of these applies, choose a fitting challenge from the previous section (such as illegal ingredients for a rogue or rare reference for a wizard). The act of writing triggers the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting until the character has rested and regained spells. Based upon work from Pathfinder Unchained by Paizo Inc. +10 days, +5% cost. Some item slots are very common and are shared by many useful items (boots, belts, rings, and amulets in particular), while some slots are used by only a few items (such as body, chest, and eyes). No adjustment. Critical Failure Overload. +10% cost, 1 flaw. ... in after seeing some really cool details about the game and finding out the insane amount of variety in character creation Pathfinder has. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values and use the item prices in the item descriptions as a guideline. Alter Construction Accordingly Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level, Respectfully Redirect Their Efforts Diplomacy DC 20 + item’s caster level. Critical Failure Offended visitor interferes. Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. Benefit: You can create magic rods. The costs for materials and ingredients are subsumed in the cost for brewing the potion: 25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Example: Lisa’s paladin has horseshoes of a zephyr and wants to hire Patrick’s wizard to add the powers of horseshoes of speed to her current horseshoes. ... For info, news, resources, and anything else about the Pathfinder TTRPG! Somehow, one or more of your item’s components have developed a limited intelligence. Before allowing such an item, consider whether the reverse idea would be appropriate—if someone with Craft Wand can’t make a wand of protection +1 that grants a deflection bonus like a ring of protection +1, and if someone with Craft Staff can’t make a handy haverstaff that stores items like a handy haversack, then Craft Wondrous Item and Forge Ring shouldn’t be able to poach item types from the other feats. You don’t even have to account for what specific items were crafted using this method. The process includes one additional challenge per 5,000 gp in the item’s market price (minimum 1), though the GM could increase or decrease the number. Spell Level: A 0-level spell is half the value of a 1st-level spell for determining price. Multiple Similar Abilities: For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities. A character must pay the full cost for scribing each spell scroll no matter how many times she previously has scribed the same spell. ! Capture Spell (replaces Scribe Scroll) (Item Creation) Prerequisites: Caster level 1st. See the individual descriptions for details. As a guideline, allowing a crafting PC to exceed the Character Wealth by Level guidelines by about 25% is fair, or even up to 50% if the PC has multiple crafting feats. Ring costs are difficult to determine. Not all Item Slots Have Equal Value: This is true, even though it isn’t expressed monetarily in the rules. 1 quirk for harnessing the power; no adjustment for precautions. A sudden surge of energy builds up within your item, threatening to damage or destroy it. That energy type ignores the item’s hardness and deals double damage to the item (but not to the item’s bearer). Accumulating Flaws: The more flaws the item has, the more likely it is to become cursed. The price of a magic item may be modified based on its actual worth. The act of working on the rune triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the rune’s creation. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Traveller SRD The creator must have prepared the spell to be scribed (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires. Example: Rob’s cleric has the Brew Potion feat and owns a magic shop. The costs for materials and ingredients are subsumed in the cost for brewing the potion: 25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Critical Success Wondrous boon. +7 days, +10% cost. Benevolance. 1 flaw. However, the downtime system allows you to build a business such as a tavern or even a magic shop, and earn money from that business while you’re away adventuring. Items created in this way have unusual properties that lend them character and remind the PCs of the choices they made during item creation. In folklore, a major part of any magic item's mystique is the tale of its creation. Your item requires a king’s hair, a prince’s kiss, or some other participation from high-ranking nobility. If the bearer can specify more than one type or group, she can choose which weapon or group she retains and which switch to the egoistic weapon’s type or group. If this puts the item below the minimum caster level for the intended effect, the activation fails but any charge or daily use is still consumed. Spells inscribed on armor can be dispelled as if they were separate magic items (treat them as scrolls), wholly independent of the suit of armor on which they are etched. Magic item creation in PF is meant to be easy, btw. Otherwise, suits of spellscribed armor are treated as scrolls (except that using them doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity) and use the rules for spell-completion items. No adjustment. Crafting a rod takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. Most are similar to curses, but not nearly as damaging or restrictive to the bearer. Extremely Infested: As the infested quirk, but the vermin or other creatures crawl over the bearer, requiring her to succeed at concentration checks (DC = 15 + the spell’s level) to cast spells or use other abilities that require concentration. The character must pay the full cost for brewing each potion. 6,741 2. Keep in mind the following warnings. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the ring. Silence and other such spells can suppress the sound as normal. Because magic items are very expensive (with the most common potions costing 50 gp or more, far higher than what most commoners can afford), this income represents many days where the business sells nothing, followed by selling one or two high-priced items, which averages out to a few gp of profit per day. This system assumes that the PCs involved are gathering exotic ingredients, searching through the notes of others who have crafted similar items, and dealing with unexpected mystical variables. Crafting a wand takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. Slippery: The creature holding the item must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save each round or drop the item. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. A party encountering and critically succeeding at a large number of challenges can likely bring the cost below 50%. Critical Failure Catastrophically aligned. If the item’s current and proposed abilities follow the normal pricing rules (particularly with weapons, armor, and shields), adding the new abilities is a matter of subtracting the old price from the new price and determining how many days of crafting it takes to make up the difference. Downloads Share with: Link: Copy link. Prerequisite: Caster level 7th. You must purchase weapons, armor, and other items that require masterwork or ingredient components separately to begin the process. They contain only short titles, and the GM should interpret the specifics in an interesting way that makes sense based on the story. All writing implements and materials used to scribe a scroll must be fresh and unused. Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item. Spells with a range of personal cannot be made into potions. To create a magic ring, a character needs a heat source. To create a magic weapon, a character needs a heat source and some iron, wood, or leatherworking tools. Regardless of the time needed for construction, a caster can create no more than one magic item per day. Critical Failure Interference from opposing emotions. For instance, when faced with a sesquipedalian elucidation challenge, a wizard might pull out his dictionary and attempt a Linguistics check, while a rogue might choose to make up her own big words and attempt a Use Magic Device check. Whether the magic item creation check succeeds or fails, these materials are always used up in the creation process and cannot be recovered. Any spellcaster with both Craft Magic Arms and Armor and either Scribe Scroll or Brew Potion can create spellscribed armor. 458 To use a magic item, it must be activated, although sometimes activation simply means putting a ring on your f inger. The cost to add additional abilities to an item is the same as if the item was not magical, less the value of the original item. As per tabletop Pathfinder, these feats have a minimum caster level prerequisite the character must attain before the … While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. Spying: The item transmits sensory information to its owner, as if it were the sensor for a clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. Unfortunately, that has the net result of negating the main benefit of crafting magic items — in effect negating your choice of a feat. Perks are beneficial adjustments to an item, often gained from critical success at a challenge. Pungent: The item emits a foul and obvious odor. Failing this check means that the item does not function and the materials and time are wasted. This doesn’t allow a barbarian to use those abilities when she is in a rage. Shielding: This item negates the first magic missile directed at it or its bearer each day. Not all items adhere to these formulas. Space the challenges out evenly. Learn more. The act of working on the rod triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the rod’s creation. Lose 25% of the item’s market price and start over. +5% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw. Detect magic and identify typically don’t reveal an item’s perks, quirks, and flaws; analyze dweomer does, though only once the item is complete. Failure Ephemeral wonder. +3 days, +5% cost, 1 quirk. Magic Item Creation with Channeling I found out that you can craft multiple channeling magic items and they stack on the same character. If an item type has multiple possible skills, you choose which skill to make the check with. Time Required Forging a ring requires 1 day for each 1,000 gp of the base price. The strongest perks tend to have the highest numbers on the table below. The bearer gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks to break grapples, and to CMD against grapples (these bonuses do not stack with grease or other similar effects), but takes a –2 penalty on Acrobatics, Disable Device, and Disguise checks, as well as on Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks except against creatures that aren’t bothered by putrid slime. –5% cost, 1 perk. Specific Magic Weapons Source Core Rulebook pg. Lucky: Each day, there’s a 50% chance the item grants its bearer a +1 luck bonus on a random type of saving throw for that day. Maximize Menu. I would say the best thing is to find another magic item creation system or a GM that will homebrew your preferred style. To create a scroll, a character needs a supply of choice writing materials, the cost of which is subsumed in the cost for scribing the scroll: 12.5 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Benefit: You can create magic Weapons, armor, or shields. No adjustment. I've watched a few videos about how to use the forge in 5E that said you can use it in Pathfinder too, but I can't find any forge in my settings and none of the tutorials I have seen actually deal with Pathfinder. –3 days, –5% cost. Wands are always fully charged (50 charges) when created. Impervious: The item’s hardness is 5 higher than usual. The act of working on the rod triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the rod's creation. The owner can draw an eager weapon or handheld item as a swift action, don eager armor in half the time, and don any other eager item as a swift action, though it takes twice as long as normal to remove eager armor and 1 full round to remove or stow any other eager item. Time Required Crafting magic armor requires one day for each 1,000 gp value of the base price. To create a magic wand, a character needs a small supply of materials, the most obvious being a baton or the pieces of the wand to be assembled. Skill(s) Required: Spellcraft or Craft (jewelry). To create a magic rod, a character needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a rod or the pieces of the rod to be assembled. (A focus used in creating a staff can be reused.) You are struck with a sudden stroke of brilliance and alter the creation process. Sacred: The item glows with the image of its creator’s holy or unholy symbol, counting as a holy or unholy symbol for all purposes. Creating a rod costs half the market value listed. For specific magic armor and weapons, the price for the base item may be hard to determine, as some abilities may have been priced as plus-based properties and some as gp-based properties. The pricing of scrolls assumes that, whenever possible, a wizard or cleric created it. Critical Success You have a superlative and efficient vessel. Exploit Noble Ties Knowledge (nobility) DC 25, Falsify the Ingredients Use Magic Device DC 20 + item’s caster level. Adjust Accordingly Knowledge (arcana) DC 20 + item’s caster level, Find the Perfect Spot Knowledge (geography) DC 25. 5e Dynamic Magic Item Creation. Failing this check by 5 or more results in a cursed item. If desired, a spell can be placed into the staff at less than the normal cost, but then activating that particular spell drains additional charges from the staff. Skill(s) Required: Spellcraft, Craft (calligraphy), or Profession (scribe). If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the weapon, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require. When adding abilities to these items, remember that they’re priced with the highest-level spell at 100% of the normal cost, the next-highest at 75%, and all others at 50%, which means that adding a new spell that’s between the lowest and highest spell level can alter the cost of the other abilities in the item. Critical Success Auspicious convergence. –6 days, –10% cost, 1 quirk. Ring costs are difficult to determine. It allows the entire party to participate, so anyone who wishes to help counts as a creator, and only one creator needs to have the required item creation feat. 23 posts Previous; 1; 2; 3; Next; Benevolance. Either choose an appropriate type or roll one randomly on the ranger’s favored enemy list. Critical Failure Item destroyed in disassembly. | Swords and Wizardry SRD An item creation feat lets a character create a magic item of a certain type. 10,000 gp per point over SR 12; SR 13 minimum, Add directly into price of item per charge. See the individual descriptions for details. Success Found just enough. Each item has its own mapping of colors to emotions, but someone with knowledge of the item’s quirk and its mapping who can see the color change gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Sense Motive checks against the bearer. If a creator takes on such a task, it must be completed before attempting a task that involves a check. 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